It's time for our special Women In Horror Month posts, The Cyber Scream Queen of the Day! The Woman you see highlighted this day and every day this month deserves the recognition for their outstanding achievements in online horror writing.

Name: Nicki Nix
Blog: Hey! Look Out Behind You!
Bio: I'm a regular with a fiery passionate love for horror movies. I grew up watching every horror movie I could get my hands on or catch on television. I started my blog because I wanted to express my love horror and show that girls can get hard-up about horror movies just like guys do. There are the chicks who cover their eyes, scream or turn off the movie before it's even over and there are chicks like us (Viral Scream Queens) that cheer for more blood, scream "that's awesome" and sometimes side with the villain. I love being apart of that and connecting with readers that get that.
Blog: Hey! Look Out Behind You!
Bio: I'm a regular with a fiery passionate love for horror movies. I grew up watching every horror movie I could get my hands on or catch on television. I started my blog because I wanted to express my love horror and show that girls can get hard-up about horror movies just like guys do. There are the chicks who cover their eyes, scream or turn off the movie before it's even over and there are chicks like us (Viral Scream Queens) that cheer for more blood, scream "that's awesome" and sometimes side with the villain. I love being apart of that and connecting with readers that get that.
High five for Nicki!!
she is a total sweetheart. i got to meet her once for like 30 seconds, but she's a total doll :)
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