Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's Zombie Awareness Month, Are You Ready?

May is the official Zombie Awareness Month. It's the time to get educated and get prepared for the imminent zombie apocalypse. It is headed by the Zombie Research Society, and organization dedicated to researching and reporting on the zombie epidemic. But not only are the reporting the facts this month, but everyday on there official blog, they'll be having some killer sweet giveaways for all the readers! So head over to the blog, check out the awesomeness, and don't forget to sport your gray ribbons in support of Zombie Awareness Month!
Here on DBH, I'll be doing a few zombie related posts getting you prepared, educated, and hopefully entertained enough that you absorb enough of the crucial information about these flesh eating creatures so that when the come, you'll be as ready as you can be. So stay tuned this month, the first Zombie post will be tomorrow!

Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper


Jinx said...

This pleases me greatly. Knowledge is power, as they say. Look forward to your posts.

Zombie Mom said...

Yeah! Zombie Awareness Month!

Halloweenman666 said...

Very nice!!! Gotta be prepared for when it happens, and it WILL happen. One day.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

my zombie is always aware... will there be a parade...