Friday, April 23, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Sean Springett

Sean Springett is a 23 year old Aspiring Film maker/Artist. As far as the horror world is concerned, he is registered at many online communities, adding his two cents in on the genre, as well as having a fun time interacting with fellow fans. At the tender age of 6 was when he was opened up to it, and has been watching them ever since. He also enjoys writing short stories, scripts, as well as having an interesting taste when it comes to drawing. He runs the blog Running over Cujo with Christine and talked to me about it.

Q: What made you want to start a horror blog?

A: It all came down to the fact that, in my personal life, I don't know many people who are willing to sit down and have a conversation about Horror movies. I have quite the knowledge of the genre, as it's been the go-to kind of films for me ever since I was a little kid, so I really take it all to heart. I would occasionally post notes on my Facebook about my opinions on certain things involving Horror, but I sort of felt they really got passed over.
And, if someone has a great interest and opinion in something, they want to be heard, right? Of course they do. So, I figured I'd start a blog. It's a great source to channel all of my thoughts without any worry of being practically persecuted for my opinions. Or...I at would hope it wouldn't come down to that.

Q: How did you come up with the name, which I adore by the way!

A: I knew I wanted it to be pretty Horror oriented, of course. But for the life of me...I couldn't think of ANYTHING to call it. I came up with a lot of crummy names along the lines of "The Horror Clubhouse" and crap like that, but it didn't sit well with me. I knew I wanted it to be witty, so that the title would inevitably grab peoples attention, but still have something rooted in Horror films. As I said in my Interview with Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing, believe it or not, I was leaning towards something to go off of “Driving Miss Daisy,” then I remembered the scene in the 1992 comedy ‘Stay Tuned’ with “Driving over Ms. Daisy.” Then it hit me…’Running over Cujo with Christine.’ Taking a relatively known character from a Horror story and film (Cujo), then adding in the whole ‘Christine’ factor…I still chuckle at how it came to be to this day.

Q: What can we expect from your blog?

A: You can expect Horror movie reviews for the most part, but at the same time you'll get some pretty great insights into my views on the Horror scene, such as current trends and fandom. Things really aren't what they used to be in Horror, so the key of my blog is to keep the old school heart of Horror alive and well, while not totally disregarding the state it is in now.

Q: Where do you see your blog going in the future? What are your plans for it?

A: I can only hope for the best. I have already met a ton of great people because of this, and I can only hope I meet even more. They've all been very courteous, welcoming, and nice. Also, I would love to see it get a little notice, simply as another place that people get a pretty intelligent view on things, while still having a good time while they're at it. Oh, and getting some movies sent to me to review wouldn't be too bad either, or invited to special events. Heh, but seriously...if anything comes out of this whole thing, I will be forever thankful, because in all seriousness...I didn't expect any of what has already happened to have come along. So, the future is totally not up to me. Whatever happens, happens. I'm just here to be another voice to the Horror Blogosphere, and make great friends along the way.


BJ Colangelo said...

he is a great person too. not only does he run a good blog, but he's a good person to go along with it. :) kid has a bright future!

Sean Springett said...

When I saw that you got around to posting this, I became giddy like a school girl. So, I went ahead and strapped on my school girl outfit.

No, I didn't really do that...but, yeah. Needless to say I was pretty excited to see it posted.


Rhonny Reaper said...

:) glad you liked it :)

Gory said...

Really great interview!! :-D

forestofthedead said...

He seems like an awesome guy. I hope he keeps blogging.

I dug this interview.