Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Zomblog (Book review and Interview)

Zomblog tells the story of the human race's fall from grace after a zombie outbreak for the viewpoint of one man's blog. It is filled with his stories of survival, of his tragedy, and of both the great support people can have for each other in times of tragedy, or the complete loss of humanity people can have towards each other in a time of chaos.
I love the blog style format of the book because it makes it easier for the reader to read. You ca read the whole thing at once (which the book is so good, I don't see how you couldn't) or read it in short bursts, like a real blog. The story itself is well written and makes you feel every emotion possible, sorrow, hope, disgust, its all there. TW Brown has created a great new zombie novel that I highly recommend to all you zombie loving horror fans out there, so check out Zomblog, I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

Mr. TW Brown was also nice enough to sit down for a chat about the book!

Q: Where did you come up with the idea of a book composed of Blog entries from a viewpoint of a man surviving a Zombie outbreak?

A: The answer is not very romantic. It was really just a warm up exercise that I used to shake the rust off. I had been planning a different project but didn't feel ready to undertake the task. The short blog entry format allowed me to write in short bursts. The subject matter was easy because it's a genre that I've loved for decades.

Q: What films, books, or blogs inspired you?

A: First and foremost it would have to be Romero's Dawn on the Dead. Beyond that I really hadn't delved too deeply in the written zombie fiction genre until Wellington's Monster Island. After that it was Briane Keene's the Rising and City of the Dead... Then I found Permuted Press and it was better than stumbling into a candy store.

Q: What other projects are you working on?

A: I just had what I consider one of my best pieces of work published by Living Dead Press Book of the Dead 3 Dead and Rotting titled Daddy's Little Girl. I actually have a lot going on right now. I am currently working on Zomblog 2 to come out in December, a new novel Dead: The Ugly Beginning to come out in May and Dead 2 to come out next May. I am Also working on an anthology titled Eye Witness and I am accepting submissions for this at Additionally I'm trying to improve my short story skills for some anthologies by library of the Living Dead Press and Permuted Press.

Q: Where can people find the book and information on new projects?

A: You can find the book at Additionally they can check out what I've got going on at It will always be the most current update on whatever project I'm involved in. You can also follow me on Twitter @maydecpub and find me on myspace and facebook as well as Authornation,,and

1 comment:

William Malmborg said...

Sounds like another good zombie book has hit the shelf. I'm so glad I just got a Borders Gift Card in the mail because I am ready to hit the store later today, and my credit card hasn't fully recovered from the last trip.