Monday, December 28, 2009

Dollar Bin Book - "Goosbumps: Monster Edition #1" by R. L. Stine

A collection of 3 of the very first Goosebumps books: Welcome to Deadhouse, Stay Out of the Basement, and Say Cheese and Die!
R. L. Stine is the Stephen King of elementary school. Not a third grader? Who cares! I still fucking LOVE reading Goosebumps. These are the books that got most of us into horror in the first place! I mean who hasn't read (or at least seen the episode) of Stay out of the Basement? I swear that was the first full book I ever read. I picked this book up at a library book sale for a quarter, and it made me wanna collect these books all over again! So go on, take a time warp back to third grade and read a Goosebumps book today.
Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper


Scare Sarah said...

I agree. I recently read The Babysitter and Dead End. They only take about 2 hours to read but they are good.

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Goosebumps--wow! I had forgotten how much I love these books. I used to read them to my son. Had to raise him up to be a proper horror fan, you know!

Rhonny Reaper said...

Im trying to get all the night of the living dummies. those were my FAVS! I got the first one now. I used to ow like 50 GB books but my grandmother threw em out :(

ZedWord said...

Stay Out of the Basement was the first horror book I read. Period.

Maybe nostalgia is to blame, but am I wrong in remembering the premise and twist was pretty good unlike most of the weaker Goosebumps books that followed?

Rhonny Reaper said...

yeah the twist in that one was pretty good. My favs are still the Night of the living dummies (I have a thing for scary dolls)