Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated (Screener Review)

Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated is a mass collaborative artistic re-envisioning of George A. Romero's 1968 cult classic, Night of the Living Dead.
International artists and animators were invited to select scenes from the film and reinvent them through their artwork.
Open to all styles, media and processes the results ran the gamut with scenes created in everything from puppet theater to CGI, hand drawn animation to flash, and oil paintings to tattoos.
This cacophony of works was organized and curated across the original film's time line in order to create a completely original video track made entirely out of art.
The result of this project is an experimental take on the cult classic.

This isn't a remake, a re-imagining, or anything like you've ever seen. This is, simply put, the best tribute to one of the greatest horror films that I've ever seen. The entire film is made up of artwork from various artists laid over the original film's sound track. The artwork ranges from professional to amateur, comic book style to stop motion animation, Barbies to Furbies (yes, there are zombie Furbies, and it is awesome)! The film has moments of the terror of the original with a fresh punch of comedy done with the artwork every once in a while. It even had one scene that was the original from the movie with little spider like creatures on top playing basketball and stuff (I was rolling with laughter)! But in all seriousness, this film itself is an amazing feat and the best ode to a classic horror film. They didn't change the story, they didn't try to re-visualize it, they simply used the film as a medium to showcase some amazing artwork and to tell the same story in a way no story has ever been done. I tip my hat to the makers of this film, cause I can't think of any other film that compares. I simply loved this movie and if your fan fan of the original, your gonna love this film. Check out more about it at

Friday, April 30, 2010

Remakes and the Decline of my Mental State: A Rhonny Reaper Rant

Today, by seven different people, I was asked if I was going to see the new Nightmare on Elm Street Film. Yes I will see but not in theaters. I will gladly wait for my friend to get a bootlegged copy and let me borrow it, as I did with the god awful remake of Friday the 13th and H2, because of one simple reason: I'm fucking sick and tired of the remakes. The only reason I want to see the new Freddy film is because I can't sit here and totally hate on a film that I haven't actually seen (although the commercials and trailers didn't give me much hope). But I just can't bring myself to actually waste eight dollars on a movie ticket to see a classic desecrated for a profit.
Remakes could be great, if the film being remade could actually benefit from a revisualization. Take the Crazies or Last House on the Left. The originals weren't the best of films and I liked how the new film makers breathed a new life into these films. These film benefited from the remake because they could use improvement. But films like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and the upcoming remake of (I swear if it really happens I will fucking rip my hair out) Bride of Frankenstein DON'T NEED REVAMPED! These films are are classics because they were so unique during the time they were made, they revitalized the genre for a new generation, and for fucks sake The Bride is THE horror standard! How the hell could one of the greatest films ever made need revamped!?!
No, I will not put another dime into one of these fucking remakes. I want to see some originality! I want to see a new film that does the same for our generation as those films did for the past generations! I want to see writers take it up a notch and come up with your own damn stories and stop fucking up everyone else's! Whether you like the series or not, the writers of the SAW films can put out a new film every fucking year. Are you telling me that all the other writers in Hollywood don't have any imaginations at all and have to "revamp" someone else's hard work? And the writers that do come up with fresh stories don't even get the same amount of press as the remakes! How many commercials for the Human Centipede or other new films have you seen on tv? Or how many indie film makers actually get a break for coming up with original plots? Not very fucking many. It's literally driving my mad!
Forget going to the theater to see another bad remake of a great film, I'm going to kick back on my couch and watch the original tonight, and I'm gonna have more fun here in my little shitty house with no popcorn, nachos, or air conditioning than most of the people in the big fancy theater. Why? Because I'll actually be enjoying the film I'm watching.

Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper

Introducing Your Barely Rotten Girl Next Door: Joie Dunham

A little while ago, the Barley Rotten Girls had a facebook photo contest called The Barley Rotten Girl Next Door contest. Ladies from all over sent in photos to show just how sexy a zombie could be, and a little less than two weeks ago, the winners were announced. So let me introduce you to the Barely Rotten Girl Next Door herself, Joie Dunham!

Bio: I enjoy spending time with my family...My beautiful daughter, and my awesome husband, Keith, and with my friends. I like nice quiet evenings almost as much as I like to go out and let my hair down! I'm comfortable in a business suit in a board room as well as in a t-shirt and jeans watching the LSU game drinking a few beers. I like museums, art, theater, live music, ballet, opera, and here goes nothing...zoning out to some good music, working out, enjoying the outdoors, sunrises, sunsets, beaches, wearing my cowgirl hat with a pair of black leather hip huggers. Or just being one of the guys for a little while.
I really love expressing my creative side. Whether it be through modeling, make up, photography, acting, or writing. There is nothing I like more than to watch a good horror movie, all curled up on the sofa. I've always loved that. My all time favorite Horror film Has got to be "The Exorcist". Damn movie scarred me emotionally for years. Now that's when you know it was a good movie.
Other than that, I am your average dork. I love Star Wars, Adult Swim, Computers, and hanging out with people who aren't afraid to act silly and have a sense of humor, though mine is rather twisted. I love all of my fans, and truly thank everyone who has supported me in my modeling career, and Thank Mass Casualty Comics, and The Barely Rotten Girls for this opportunity.

And here is a Dollar Bin Horror exclusive interview with the lovely Joie, PLUS a brand new pic for your viewing pleasure!

Q: What inspired you to enter the contest?

A:Well, I have always been infatuated with horror movies, and Zombie movies are right at the top of my list. I also wanted to practice my make up skills. I'm so used to doing glam make up, I wanted to see if i could actually pull off some FX work. Not to mention the fact, that I have always wondered what I would look like as a zombie.

Q: How long did the make-up take to apply?

A: The make up took about an hour and a half. It went from my face to my hips, along with the hair.

Q: Your facebook is full of amazing and beautiful photographs you've been in, How long have you been modeling and what is your favorite part about it?

A: Thank you, I have been modeling for about 6 years now. I love modeling because to me, its more than about just posing in front of a camera. It allows me to express myself as an artist. It's an outlet for my creativity and passion. I am also a Modeling coach, and an actor, a graphic artist, and a writer.

Q: We all know you make a lovely zombie, but what is your favorite zombie film?

A: It's a toss up. I love the classics. I am going to say the ORIGINAL Dawn of the Dead, and then...I just LOVE Shaun of the Dead as well. Horror and comedy usually doesn't work well together, but they nailed it on that film.

Q: What are your future plans in modeling and what other ventures would you like to take in the horror world?

A: I am definitely going to be doing a lot more work with the Barely Rotten Girls!!!! I have a few clothing lines i am working with right now, trying to come up with a custom line. I want to keep modeling and having fun. Do more of my artistic gallery nudes. I want to keep pushing the envelope with the edgy raw work. Basically like I said before, keep it fun. I would LOVE to do more acting. I have done a little, but my schedule hasn't allowed me to do more. If I could, I would like to do more Horror films, and be a Hot Horror Icon.

And just a reminder, the Barley Rotten Girls calendar is now available! You can get it and more info about BRG at!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

ABC's Happy Town: The New Twin Peaks?

Last night was the premeir of the new mystery/thriller show called Happy Town. It's the story of a small town with big secrets. The last five years there have been pretty much crime free, but a gruesome murder has everyone on edge now. Before the five year stint of peace, there was a series of disappearances, one person a year, said to be commited by "The Magic Man". Who is this mysterious person? Well we must keep watching to find out.

There have been many comparisons made throughout the press comparing this show to the classic Twin Peaks series, and I must say I understand where this comparison comes from. Both are small town mysteries revolving around murder and a mystery man committing the acts. I think it's too early in the series to really say if the two shows could really be compared, but I can say that hopefully all these comparison's will make the younger audiences take a look at the classic show. Who knows, maybe this could be the new Peaks of our generation!

The first episode was very entertaining to watch. The plot seemed very strong and the acting was as well. Sam Neill was the best actor of the show. His character is both debonair and sinister, and even though he's old enough to be my grandpa, his accent is just so damn hot! The first episode opened with a gruesome murder and ended with a big twist, a cop went nuts, and those we thought were innocent were not as they appeared. This show has got major potential and I assure you, I will keep watching!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Experience at the 2010 OSS Cleveland Charity Zombie Walk!

Saturday, I had the pleasure and honor to take part in the 2010 OSS Cleveland Charity Zombie Walk. The walk raised money and food for Hunger for Harvest, a wonderful organization here in Ohio that helps feed the hungry (If you can give, please do. Just a quarter can feed a person!).

Photo By Metro Mix

Horror fans from all over Cleveland came together for a day filled with blood, gore, and kick ass music by Studbulls Disco Biscuit! The event was thrown by Old School Sinema, and amazing Cleveland based horror film production company.
Photo By Nick Hendricks (

I got to talk to so many wonderful fans and film makers alike. When they say the horror community is like a family, they mean it. Everyone that I had the pleasure to meet were courteous and took some time to stop and chat about films, blogs, and everything else under the sun!

Large tents were put up in the back of The Five 'OClock Lounge for people to get their makeup done professionally for a small fee (it was only $1 for blood, $3 for air brushing, and $10 for full gore, how sweet is that!). I, being broke as I always am, did my own makeup but absolutely enjoyed looking at the wonderful work done by the artists.

Photo By Nick Hendricks (

The event even had some sweet free goodies for all the zombies. Free t-shirts, water bottles, and posters from the new Nightmare on Elm Street film were given out to random people throughout the event (I got a poster and bottle myself). And even Freddy himself made an appearance (or someone in a mask, you be the judge)!

Photo By Nick Hendricks (

The walk itself was about a mile long and the looks on the faces of those watching the walk was priceless. One of the little zombies in the walk (it was for all ages) even had a zombie juice stand for all the thirsty zombies out there! It was simply amazing and fun to be a part of this. Over 500 zombies, walking together as one, brilliant! The next walk will be sometime in September and I can't wait! Visit the OSS website, myspace, or Facebook for more info!

Photo By Jessika Gosen Photography

Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dollar Bin Film - "School of Death"

The girls of an orphanage are being sold by the sadistic matrons to a badly disfigured doctor to be used in experimental brain surgeries.

Everything looked good about this movie, the plot, the time period it was made (70's), and other Spanish horror films that have really impressed me...unfortunately, looks can be very deceiving. I was excited to watch this because the 70's were a time to push the limits of gore, nudity, and just plain over-the-top-ness in films, but this film did none of that. It didn't have much nudity, not really any gore, and it was just so tame! Not to say it was all bad, the film did have an ok atmosphere and some good moments throughout, but compares to other films of the time, it's just not as good. Now a lot of people like this tame, more atmospheric type of film, and sometimes they can be better than others, but I love the grindhouse sleaze of the 70's and this film just doesn't have it. I say rent it for a night, or pick it up at a yardsale. It's not a totally bad film, but it just isn't the 70's horror I've come to love.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Her Black Wings

Her Black Wings is the first story of The Darkening series of stories by Thom Brannan also on It's the story of a private eye hired to protect Lauren, a seemingly innocent woman who fears for her life after her boyfriend, another private eye, was shot to death. The story is told through flashbacks, or more correctly memories, told from what seems to be a hospital bed. As the story progresses, we learn that someone isn't as innocent as they once appeared to be... The story is intriguing, unique, and down right creepy! As the past events are recounted, you get a chill on the back of your neck that tells you shit is about to go down. You get the story's image in your head, and want to keep reading. I don't want to give the ending away, but the change in the villainous character's demeanor is progressively haunting as the story goes on, almost as if they can control you with a simple look. It's a light read (I read it in about 15-20 minutes) but it's exciting and wonderfully paced. After reading this one, you'll want to read the other stories on the site, trust me. And like all the other stories on the site, it's 100% free to read! I'm usually not this excited about things I read online, but the writers on this site have an amazing talent that should not be missed. The only thing that bugs me it the site's background, it gets pretty dark and you have to highlight some of the words to read them, but don't let it stop you cause the story is well worth it. Head over to and check it out!

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Blood Will Out

Blood Will Out is the first story in The Book of Falling story series by Rob Pegler on It's the story of Gabriel Pope, a man on a mission to find those responsible for his father's death, a man who must come face to face with the children of the night themselves, Vampires. The opening scene is reminiscent to an episode of CSI, but more graphic. Bodies upon bodies found in what appears to be an advanced form of decay, yet in almost new clothing? It baffles both the detectives and the readers until you realize this isn't a natural run-of-the-mill murder scene. The scene sticks with you and you know what your about to read is gonna be good. As the story gets more in depth, it becomes action packed and emotional. The story keeps you hooked until the end, and what an end it is! All boils down to an exciting battle scene between man and the undead, and...well you have to read it to see what happens. A good writer is one who has you envisioning the story in your mind as you read it, and this one surely does. It's very well written, easy to read, and best of all it's totally free. It doesn't seem right does it? A kick ass Vampire story is totally free yet you pay 15 bucks for a Twatlight book!?! But It's true! Head on over to and read for yourself!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Blitzkrieg: Escape from Stalag 69 (Screener Review)

Germany, 1945. Stalag 69, a POW camp turned blood-soaked playground by the sadistic SS commandant Helmet Schultz, a perverse Nazi monster who uses prisoners for secret, ghastly experiments. When not committing war crimes, hid torture experts help satisfy his sick fantasies.
When the women prisoners take in an escaped cabaret dancer, the plan for freedom begins. Meanwhile, the American, British and Russian POWs make their own attempt, and Natasha, a Russian front fighter, takes on the Nazis all on her naked own...
As the pressure mounts to shut down the camp and liquidate the prisoners, it's up to the rag-tag band of desperate souls to revolt against their captors and Escape from Stalag 69!

This movie is a throw back to the grindhouse films of the 70's. Its full of gore and shocking scenes, nudity, and crazy ass Nazis. It even pays homage to the old films by having there own version of the bath tub scene out of I Spit on your Grave (still as painful for guys to watch as it was then). The film was entertaining to watch, but had it's flaws as many low budget films do. The acting wasn't very strong say for a few characters (Natasha and Helmet's sister were actually pretty good). The film also had some scenes that just went on too long and got a bit dull; when paying homage to the classic grindhouse films, less talking and more action is always best in my book! But the gore in this film was pretty well done, even sickening at points in the film. It was cheap yet effective, and there was a lot of it! There were also points when the captives were fighting back that really were exciting and you start rooting for them in your head (or out loud if your alone...admit it!). The scenes when Natasha starts fighting back are my favorite in the whole film. Even though she's naked almost the whole time, it's nice to see a strong female lead in films. I liked the film and if you wanna check it out, head over to to find out more!