Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Dollar Bin Horror Webstore has got New Products at Lower Prices!

If your following DBH on Facebook, you've already seen my new Reaper Logo design (click the pic to see it full size and let me know what you all think!).

Well, now you can get it on a T-Shirt! Along with the classic Dollar Bin Horror Logo of course. And I lowered the price on everything in the store as much as I possibly could (T-shirts start at $19.99. I'm literally making almost no money off anything, I just think it's kick ass to have my own T-shirts!) so that more people can afford to get them. So head on over to the DBH store by clicking HERE! I'm working on getting bumper stickers in there soon. Sending Deadly Kisses!

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - The Path of Torment (Screener Review)

The Path of Torment is the story of a young married couple who are preparing to have
their housewarming party. Unfortunately for them, they invite two
Mormon Missionaries into their home and the young men are not who
they appear to be. Walking the fine line between psychological horror and
dark comedy, The Path of Torment is a can't miss film.

I found this film to be hilariously disturbing in a B-movie way. On the one side, you have some crazy ass Mormon Missionaries coming to this couple's door and they totally flipping the script on the couple and commence torturing them for information, which in itself is disturbing and creepy since I got missionaries coming to my door pretty much every Sunday. On the other hand, you got low budget cheap FX, some bad acting, and quirky moments in the film that make you wanna bust out in laughter. One thing is for sure about this film, it ain't boring. The film is shot pretty well say for the opening scene, which was a bit fussy and looked poorly dubbed, the story and script were pretty funny and entertaining, and the acting wasn't the greatest, but is wasn't the worst (except for the husband's, it's like they're gonna rape your wife and they're cutting your face...could you please cry or scream or SOMETHING! For God sakes don't just sit there tubby!) The main actor, Gary C. Warren (who also wrote and directed the film) gave the best performance out of them all, although no Tom Hanks, but was the most convincing and truly seemed disturbed. Over all though, this film is fun to watch and worth checking out. Head to to learn more about the film!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Bite Club (Book Review)

Welcome to West Hollywood. The Creative City. Liberal and welcoming. Free from discrimination and hatred. A safe place to live if you’re gay. But West Hollywood isn’t safe anymore... Someone in town has a macabre passion for beautiful young men. Healthy, gym-toned male bodies keep turning up, tortured, drained of blood, missing parts and quite, quite dead. Someone is using the Creative City as a canvas of gruesome, sadistic creativity. Someone is using West Hollywood as a warped psychotic playground. Someone... or some thing. WeHo City Coroner Becky O’Brien is helpless to stop the accumulation of gym-toned corpses. At the end of her investigative rope, Becky calls upon the aid of an old college friend, Christopher Driscoll, who is an expert on serial killers. Rushing to her aid, Chris arrives in WeHo with his quirky boyfriend Troy in tow. Prowling the dark alleys and cruisy bars of WeHo in search of the psychotic fiend, the trio soon realizes that something possibly not human has taken up residence in Boys' Town--something with an insatiable hunger for the flesh and blood of hot young men. Following the trail of mangled corpses, Becky has another realization -- nothing is what it seems. Even her old friend Chris has secrets...dark secrets. Accompanied by the compulsively orderly Sheriff’s Captain, Clive Anderson, and West Hollywood’s irritable and outrageous octogenarian City Manager, Pamela Burman, Becky soon discovers the ominous truth behind the creature stalking West Hollywood’s pristine streets.

In one word, amazing. This book is filled with everything you want in a great vampire novel; mystery, horror, lust, blood, sex, and most importantly, vampires! The first chapter, which you can read online for free at, grabs you, doesn't let you go, and let's you know just what kinda ride your in for. The character of Becky O’Brien is, I swear to god, my twin. Her affection for sweets, her wishing for love although surrounded by gay men, even her mannerisms...If I hadn't known better, I would have thought I was written into the book! All the characters are well developed and you either love em or hate em. The story itself is well written, easy to read, and believe me, once you start, you don't wanna stop! But let me warn you now, this ain't no Twilight bullshit, so if that's the kind of vamps you like, stop reading this now. This is a hot book with scenes of bloody violence and hot gay sex that will make everyone who reads it a bit flustered. No, it's not like those "urban novels" that are just straight up porn in words, this book is written very well and tastefully and but can still make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you read more and more. This is a book I would read again and again and tell all my friends about. This is what a vampire book should be, so if your interested in getting away from all the Twatlight bullshit going around these days, check out Bite Club!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interview with my Brother Blog, Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing!

Today, we get to venture into the mind of one of the nicest, sweetest, and awesomest people I have ever met. His name is Patrick and he writes for the insanely cool blog Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing and the blog Movie Cynics! So enough with the intros and on to the questions!

1. Christopher Lee or Bela Lugosi and why?
Christopher Lee. Not only does he make for a better Dracula but he also is in the Wicker Man and like a million other things. Man is amazing. Bela rocks, but Christopher Lee rocks harder.

2. If you could meet your hero in horror, who would it be?
I would wish to meet, if they were still with us, actor Donald Pleasence and producer Moustapha Akkad who were key members of the Halloween franchise. To at least thank them for all that they've done.

3. Which is the best horror sub-genre outta these three and why - Zombie, Slasher, or "Torture Porn"/Gorey?
Slasher. They are the most entertaining sub-genre of horror. I enjoy the easy to catch things like boobs and blood but other aspects too, like the atmosphere of Crystal Lake, the effect Michael and Freddy had on their home towns. And their is the diversity of the sub-genre, so many variations of slashers. Compare say Sleepaway Camp to Unhappy Campers and the original Black Christmas. Totally different films.

4. What is the coolest thing that has happened to you since starting your blog?
Uh, one is when I've told people like the zombie killed by helicopter blades guy or a writer for a large horror site my blog has mentioned them and they've responded. Another is the development of friendships with other horror fans. And just how many people comment on my posts or hit like on Facebook. It's surreal how fast your life can change.

5. You Also write for Movie'd you land that sweet gig?
Uh, well that was that the head The Vocabulariast put on his wall he was looking for people to write for his site. So I said yes. And he had me doing news but I am now writing reviews for trailers of movies, which is great. And he's been very kind to me as has been another person working for it. And I haven't written anything for that site that was about a horror movie, though seeing the Date Night trailer more than once was horrifying to me. Ugh.

6. And lastly, a super random question, favorite band/artist in music?
"Weird Al" Yankovic. I've been listening to silly music here and there most of my life, and I've come to realize how it's a lot more intelligent and worth paying attention to then a lot of people seem to realize, at least here in the US, and out of my love of silly music came my love for "Weird Al" Yankovic. Not only is he worth paying to and intelligent he's easily one of the most talented musicians I know of, can out preform artists he parodies, is good looking and is awesome. "Weird Al" rocks hardcore.
Also a shot out to filker, filk music is geeky and stuff, hard to define, anyways a shot out to Tom Smith who can be very funny and also very moving. Not exactly at the "Weird Al" fame level but I'd say talent wise they're close.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm Not Gonna be Home Today, so I leave you with Something Scarier than ANY zombie....

You know you want this, DON'T DENY!!!!! lol But seriously, I'm walking out the door as we speak for some family fun time *insert sarcasm here* but tomorrow , I'll have a kick ass tandem post with my brother blog, Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing, and I got some amazing screeners and a gay vampire novel (omg I can't wait to tell you how awesome it is) to review for all you reaplings. Tell then, Sending Deadly Kisses!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The 5 Worst Jobs to have in Horror

Inspired by my search for a job (which I'm still waiting for a call :( ) I've compiled the top 5 jobs which are sure to get you hacked into a million little pieces if you were ever to be trapped in a horror film situation.

One minute, your doing your service to the world by teaching the youth what they'll need to know for the "real world". The next, your being killed by a psychopathic child, taken host by an alien life form, or worse....your killed off screen! I say, fuck those little brats and get as far away from the school as possible.

You dedicate your life to the Lord and try to save the souls of others, only to be overtaken by Satan and get bright green puke all up in ya grill...Let me tell you, it's gonna take a shit ton more holy water to survive this situation!

Cop/Security Guard
Your job called for you to serve and protect, but in the opening scene, while looking around in the dark with your flashlight handy....BAM your dead. You don't even get a wicked cool death in most cases. I say give back the badge, keep the gun, and drive far far away!

Camp Counselor
Sure, you may be getting lucky tonight with that hot piece of counselor ass you've been eying, but we all know that in horror, Camp Counselor + Sex = Death. You cannot have S without D so if you must work this summer, keep it in your pants jackass!

Watching other people's little ones for a few hours can be a great way to earn a few extra bucks, unless your in a horror situation, then some creepy ass mofo will keep calling, stalking, and harassing you until eventually he gets in, or your pathetic ass lets him in, the house and he stabs you like theres no tomorrow (and there ain't for you). Let there parents watch those Bebe's kids and get the hell out!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apologies, Plans, and other Random Info

Hey there little reaplings, sorry I didn't have a kick ass easter post, I wasn't home and had to post from my cousin's computer, so I couldn't be on very long. I still hope you all had a kick ass easter with a shit ton of candy and evil evil little bunnies plotting how to kill you in your sleep...

And sorry for the lack of a killer post today, I had a job interview (wish me luck) at Walmart (that's right, I'm trying to kiss some corporate ass for a few bucks, but dammit I need the cash!)...but never fear, I promise to make it up to you all with a killer kick ass post inspired by my hunt for a job. What is it you ask? Well, you just have to visit DBH tomorrow to find out! I promise it will me 1000x better then the shitty quick updates I've been posting for the last two days. Plus of course I got more dollar films, books, and screener reviews for all you out there, so stay tuned while I try to get my shit together for once :)

To keep entertained till then, check out my uber sweet guest posts on by clicking HERE!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

I'm not at home right now, Im out with my fam so I just wanna wish you all a Happy Easter!!!