Saturday, April 3, 2010

Splurge Of The Week : Dance of the Dead

On the night of the big High-School Prom, the dead rise to eat the living, and the only people who can stop them are the losers who couldn't get dates to the dance.

I've had this movie sitting around for about a month, but Just watched it yesterday after Patrick included it in his top zombie films. After seeing it, I would like to add it to mine! This movie has everything you could ever want in a film; romance, action, blood, geeks, cute boys, hot girls, I mean EVERYTHING! It mixes the action and high intensity of any great zombie flick with the emotions and charm of a date night film. Plus, being that I was the biggest nerd in the world in high school, it's nice to see a film where the geeks are the big heroes who save the day and get the girl! The film was amazingly written, directed, and the zombies look so fucking cool! If you haven't seen this yet, drop what your doing and find this movie!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - EAT ME! (Screener Review)

EAT ME! opens on an indie Brooklyn band, General Malacarne, who has their basement practice session cut short due to a blackout. The band sends its keyboard player upstairs to fetch some beers, but he never returns. When the band goes to investigate, they find the door jammed and even worse, there's no cell phone reception. A news bulletin on the radio suggests there's been an emergency in the city, but details are sketchy at best. Finding themselves trapped, the band deals with the uncertainty in their customary fashion: passing a few joints and kicking back. When the band manages to pry open the basement door the next morning, things don't seem that strange. But they quickly discover that much has gone awry on the streets of Bed-Stuy, and they'll soon be forced to bumble and stumble their way to the safe haven that's also known as Long Island.

This is the perfect film to just kick back, relax, and get your zombie fix with. It's not too over the top with gore (although there are some killer guts), not too over the top with the comedy, and also not boring at all. It's has just enough of each of these qualities to balance out into a well made and entertaining film. The pacing of the action and the plot reminds me a lot of 28 Day Later in the way that it's not too fast paced, but surely not slow. I would call this the Mellow Yellow of zombie flicks, it's just cool. The acting is pretty good, it's shot very well, and the writing is not too shabby either. The ending, although I don't want to give it away, is very Hollywood (and I mean in a good way). It was also a bit shocking because I sure as hell didn't see it coming! I think that if this were a larger budget production, with a few minor touch ups it could pass in a large scale theater release. This is the first feature length film by director Katie Carman, and by the looks of it, she has an amazing career ahead of her. Overall, I really liked this film and I hope you can all check it out.

ALSO the fine people behind EAT ME! is doing a pretty kick ass give away! Heres some more info for you directly from the official site (click HERE to visit!):

For the next few weeks we'll be running a giveaway where 1 lucky fan will win a custom made "Eat Me!" Brooch from The Krafty Kreep . All you need to do to enter is visit our homepage before midnight on Sunday, April 11th, 2010 and sign up for our newsletter. Not only will you get access to only the most important "Eat Me!"-related news about our DVD release and screenings, etc. but you'll be entered into the raffle for this bad ass "Eat Me!" pin, suitable for men, women and the undead:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm sorry to inform you...

Tragedy has struck. Rhonny was bitten last night by something unnatural , something inhuman, something with an insatiable appetite for human flesh....and now she is among them. This photo was taken at the city morgue...ten minutes later, Rhonny got up, ate the coroner and a security guard, and walked out of the building. She now walks aimlessly though the streets of Cleveland, in search of fresh victims to feed the never ending hunger for brains. If you see her, do not walk up to her, run the other way. She's not the same girl anymore. She was beloved but now must be feared. She is now among the living dead. R.I.P. Miss Reaper, we will miss you and hopefully one of us will have the heart to put you out of your never ending misery.

* NOTE: I am NOT actually dead, nor a zombie. If you see me, don't actually shoot me, moron. Happy April Fools Day from me and Dollar Bin Horror!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 Inexpensive Ways to Prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse

In continuing with the zombie themed week, and also being cheap as hell, Here are 5 non-expensive ways to prepare yourselves for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. You may want to get started now, cause when the shit hits the fan, there ain't gonna be time then!

1. Weapons - You probably don't have an armory of guns and ammo at you house do you? No problem! There are plenty of common items in your garage that will work wonders for you until you can come up with a gun. For Instance: Chainsaw, Axe, Baseball Bat, Crowbar, Hammer (you know what I mean). Keep these things close to you in times of zombie attacks.

2. Armor - Now big, thick, heavy duty armor can be expensive, bulky, and may make it hard to movie in. So you need to find something light weight, strong, easy to move fast in, and most importantly affordable! What better armor is there than sport armor! I recommend motocross armor, but if that cannot be found football pads are better than nothing!

3. Literature - In order to beat an enemy, you must know your enemy inside and out. You need to be able to walk like a zombie, smell like a zombie, hell even think like a zombie! You need to know everything you can about then, so read up! The best read is Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide, which itself is only around $15, but if your SUPER desperate, Just read the poster below.

4. Organization - Have you ever heard of an army losing the war because he got the ammo mixed with the food? I didn't think so. Another top priority in the war against the undead is to be as organized as possible! Not a very organized person? Well your in luck! Here is a Zombie Survival Sheet thats sure to keep you in line. Click the image above for the full sized version.

5. Spreading The Message - If all else fails, and you know you ain't gonna make it, you can die knowing you saved someone else's life simply by letting them know what they need to do. So get prepared and let others know to do the same, cause there coming and there not gonna wait for you to get ready.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Has Made a Boo Boo!

So here's the situation...This Facebook Event Page states that March is Zombie awareness month, but I just received an email from (an awesome site you must check out) stating it's not until I already dedicated this week to zombie posts so I shall finish out the week with zombie posts, but I just wanted to make it clear, this MAY is the Official Zombie Awareness Month, although one can never be too prepared. So keep looking for zombie posts this week, and this May I shall do an all out zombie assault of awesomeness!

Survival Of The Dead Info

In Honor of March being Zombie Awareness Month, this weeks posts here on DBH will be 100% Zombies! Today, I would like to pass on a few things about the upcoming film Survival of the Dead by the master George Romero! First off, I'd like to share a pretty cool little pdf booklet about identifying a zombie I got in my email that goes along with the film. Here are some images from the booklet. Study them, because you never know when a flesh eating zombie may be among us...

And heres a little Info on the film itself, Including the kick ass Trailer!

Immediately following the events of Diary of the Dead, SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD is the 6th film from George A. Romero to look at a world where humans are in the minority and the zombies rule.
Off the coast of Delaware sits the cozy Plum Island where two families are locked in a struggle for power, as it has been for generations. The O'Flynn's, headed by patriarch Patrick O'Flynn (Kenneth Welsh) approach the zombie plague with a shoot-to-kill attitude. The Muldoons, headed by Shamus Muldoon (Richard Fitzpatrick), feel that the zombies should be quarantined and kept 'alive,' in hopes that a solution will someday be found.
The O'Flynn's, who are clearly outnumbered, are forced to exile Patrick by boat to the mainland, where he meets up with a band of soldiers, headed by Guardsman Sarge (Alan Van Sprang). They join forces and return to the island, to find that the zombie plague has fully gripped the divided community.
As the battle between humans and zombies escalates, the master filmmaker continues to reinvent the modern horror genre with wicked humor and pointed social commentary.

SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD premieres on VOD, Amazon, Xbox Zune and Playstation April 30 and will be in theaters on May 28th

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror and Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing Presents: Top 10 Kick Ass Zombie Flicks

In Honor of March being Zombie Awareness Month (I just found out of Facebook), this weeks posts here on DBH will be 100% Zombies! To start, me and my Brother blog, Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing, came up with our Top 10 Favorite Kick Ass Zombie Flicks you MUST watch in order to survive a zombie apocalypse!

My Picks:

1. Night of the Living Dead - A must have film on any Top Zombie Flicks list. How can you be a zombie fan and NOT love this movie!

2. Dawn Of The Dead - For me, this is the film that got me into zombie films. This is the reason Romero is King of the zombies.

3. White Zombie - The original zombie film, even before Romero. If you love zombies and haven’t seen their origin…stop reading this and go watch this now. Right now. Seriously get stop reading and go!

4. Zombieland - A films that combines 3 of my favorite things, Zombies, humor, and Bill Murray, god I love this movie!

5. The Last Man on Earth - A genius author combined Zombies and Vampires into one creature and a filmmaker added the flair of Vincent Price to the mix…brilliance!

Stabbing's Picks:

1. Deadgirl - A disturbing and well done tale of what happens when a couple of teenagers discover a woman tied to a table in an abandoned hospital who cannot die. A very non-traditional zombie film.

2. Khun krabii hiiroh (Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis) - This is a zombie movie that is funny and includes a giant snake and a master of martial arts. It's great and totally off the wall.

3. To kako (Evil) - An extremely violent and highly enjoyable Zombies takeover film. Apparently Greek's first zombie film, let us hope they make more.

4. Dance of the Dead - It's about zombies at a high school prom. Add humor and romance, and what else do you need in a movie?

5. Zibahkhana (Hell's Ground) - Zombies aren't the main focus of this film, about a group of youths who head to the middle of nowhere and face a pyscho wearing a burqa, but they are part of this mishmash of different sub-genres. Instead of coming off as a rip off other films it's more like a crazy tribute with awesome music.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last Week To Vote for the Rondo Hatton Awards!

This is the last week of voting for the prestigious Rondo Hatton Awards. These awards are given to the best and brightest minds in horror and being nominated is an honor in itself. I have been privileged to be in the company of so many amazing writers, bloggers, actors, and films who have been bestowed the honor of a nomination. So if you love this blog and are so inclined to, Please vote for Dollar Bin Horror in the Best Blog category. The ballot is long, but you can vote for as many or as few of the categories as you see fit. The voting is by email and all the information needed to vote can be found by clicking on the image above. I just wanna thank everyone who has and will vote and everyone who has supported me and this blog. Now go vote!

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - The Landlord (Screener Review and Interview)

Tyler Czarnecki is the owner of an apartment building haunted by a pair of flesh-eating Babylonian demons who eat the tenants and treat Tyler as their slave. While he clearly resents his lot, Tyler limits his rebellion to grumbling to Rabisu, the lesser of the demons and, from all appearances, Tyler's only real friend. Tyler's sister Amy, a police officer, is indifferent to his plight - or at least too distracted by her shady dealings with the local gang of vampires to get involved. However, the status quo is upset when an attractive young woman named Donna moves into Tyler's building. While Donna is clearly on the run from something, Tyler takes a liking to her, and decides to save her from becoming the demons' next meal.

For me, The Landlord proves that independent, low budget indie films can be amazingly good. This film is funny, witty, and fun to watch. My favorite part of the whole film is the Demon Rabisu (artistically portrayed on the amazing cover art). His character is well acted, funny as hell, and likes infomercials and jerky almost as much as I do (although I'll stick to beef thank you). The special effects aren't bad for a low budget affair, and are effective in what they do. The acting all around wasn't too bad and wasn't over the top like a lot of other indie horror comedies, it was just right for this film. The camera work is very good, and I loved the make-up of the demons. The only thing I didn't like was that the story got a tad confusing with all the other flesh eating undead demon folk running around hired by 2 crooked cops, one of them being the sister of Tyler and partial owner of the building. But I think the pure enjoyment and humor of the film overcomes this small obstacle and the film turns out to be a fun time and a very good film. I would absolutely recommend this film to horror fans and indie fans alike.

Producer, Editor, Writer, and Director Emil Hyde took the time to answer a few questions about the film for all you little reaplings out there, so enjoy!

Q: How to you come up with the story/plot of The Landlord?

A: The story for THE LANDLORD began with an idea for a Web series about a stoner with a demon roommate. We were just trying to come up with the most bizarre sitcom premise possible ts an excuse for my friends Rom Barkhordar, who plays the demon, and Derek Dziak, who plays Tyler, the human protagonist, to riff off each other, because the two make such a great comedic pair. Over time, the scenario mutated until Tyler became the landlord of an apartment building full of demons who keep on killing the other renters, and all the crazy things Tyler has to do to cover it up.
Eventually we decided that the most subversive thing to do was to take the situation seriously... how would someone be affected by living with supernatural creatures and dealing with horrible death all the time? And how the Hell did he get in that situation in the first place? Those questions form the basis of the plot for THE LANDLORD.

Q: The dvd cover art is amazing! Could you tell us a bit about the artist?

A: We wanted the artwork for THE LANDLORD to have an old-school, painted look, mostly because that's how the covers looked on the 80s VHS classics that got us into horror in the first place. We hired Scott Jackson, a Chicago artist who did covers for ROCK N' ROLL COMICS and some Megadeth t-shirts back in the day, and asked him to blend elements from the covers of FRIGHT NIGHT, PSYCHO III, NIGHT OF THE DEMONS, and a few other movies. Scott took that idea and ran with it, and the end result captures the feel of the movie perfectly - this slightly silly, slightly sinister demon offering the audience the keys to this creepy apartment building.
You can view - and buy - Scott's paintings at

Q: What was it like shooting this film and working with all the special effects?

A: Shooting THE LANDLORD was a mixture of magic, chaos, careful planning, and incredibly hard work. Rom, the actor who plays the demon, is a fairly successful theater and television actor - you may have seen him in commercials or on the show THE BEAST or heard his voice as Subzero in the video game MORTAL KOMBAT - and he was able to convince many of his other actor friends to get on board. That's really the secret weapon that sets THE LANDLORD apart from most no-budget indies - great actors working with a good script.
On the other side of the camera, we managed to assemble a crew of film students and total amateurs, all doing their jobs for experience and fun. The only real professionals we hired were the people overseeing the weapons and stunts, because you don't want to mess around when it comes to safety.
As for the visual effects... there are over 270 visual effects shots in THE LANDLORD, as many as most Hollywood action blockbusters. And unlike Hollywood, we couldn't afford to hire a bunch of people in Asia to do the grunt work for us. So I wound up doing 90% of it myself, adding the animations frame by bleeding frame. But looking at some of the things we pulled off - demons teleporting and portals to Hell opening and vampires getting shot point blank in the face - it was worth it.

Q: What future projects are you working on and where can we learn more?

A: I've written several new screenplays, and we hope to shoot at least of them by 2011. In the meantime, we're working on a graphic novel adaptation of THE DOG CAGE, a screenplay I wrote about a cop who gets bitten by a werewolf and locked up in a state-run asylum for monsters. The best way to keep up to date with the new projects is to visit WWW.THELANDLORDMOVIE.COM and friend us on Facebook.