Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Caesar and Otto's Summer Camp Massacre (Screener Review)

After punching out the police chief's mentally challenged brother, an effete tough guy, Caesar, is on the run. Together, he and his slovenly half brother, Otto, take on new identities as counselors at the strangely vacant Camp Sunsmile. The would-be summer camp has attracted a motley crew of Hollywood outcasts, all with something to hide. But when the mysterious Carrie shows up, counselors begin disappearing one by one. Soon, Caesar and Otto find themselves at the edge of a summer camp killer's blade as they run, duck, and swoosh for their lives!

This movie made me smile from ear to ear after watching it. It's very well made, the acting is really good for an indie horror comedy, and most importantly it's funny as hell! If you don't laugh your ass off while watching this, I suggest you see a psychiatrist, cause you might be a psychopath. Caesar is so fantastically flamboyant and Otto is so desperate for love that you kinda feel bad every time he gets shot down. The other campers are just so quirky and strange (especially the camp director), it make the whole movie that much more funny. And this movie didn't forget all you gore hounds out there, the opening scene is perfect for all of you, plus there's some wicked cool death scenes! And besides the film just being awesome itself, it had some of the coolest guest stars this side of earth! Felissa Rose, star of the original Sleepaway Camp, plays Carrie, a mysterious woman who everyone assumes is the bad guy off bat. And then, this one really got me, Deron Miller, lead singer of one of my favorite bands CKY, plays Dick, who is...well a dick. This film is low budget horror at it's finest and I suggest you all stop what your doing and check this film out right away! Click HERE to visit the site, you won't be disappointed!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Boston Underground Film Festival Info!

Hey if your going to be in the Boston area anytime between now and next week you MUST check out the The Boston Underground Film Festival (or BUFF for short)! I was told about it through Michele "Izzy" Galgana, screening committee member, while chatting with her during the FEARnet Facebook party! Heres what you'll need to know:

It takes place between Now through April 1st at the Kendall Square Theater in Cambridge, MA. Films will be shown throughout the day and night, featuring the best of the bizarre and the insane in indie filmmaking.

Tickets for each screening are available for purchase online in advance or in person at the Kendall Square Cinema box office on the day of the screening:
$10 general admission
$8 with student ID

Recession-Special Pass
Costs $35 and gets you:
admission to all screenings between 3/29-4/1

Festival Pass
Costs $100 and gets you:
admission to all screenings, priority seating, admission to all of our parties, two drink tickets at each party, and BUFF t-shirt

They'll featuring the horror shorts program Tapas of Terror, The Death of Alice Blue, Pieces, Somebody's Knocking at the Door, Amer, and many other strange and wonderful films!

Check out the line up and how to order tickets at

There are parties tonight through Sunday night!

So if you can make it, go support some great indie films and have a kick ass time in the process!!!

Dollar Bin Film - "Dr Heckyl and Mr Hype"

An ugly, misshapen podiatrist ingests a formula made by a colleague and turns into a handsome, devil-may-care (but violent and murderous) ladies' man.

This has got to be one of the strangest films I have ever seen...and I absolutley adore it! The film is ridiculous, but at the same time it has some real moments of suspense, horror, and romance. It's campy, fun to watch, has some real funny lines scattered through out, and unlike a lot of cheesy 80's films, has great acting by it's lead, the legendary Oliver Reed. When he's in his ugly face, he's sympathetic, kind, and you just wanna give him a big hug! But when he takes the drink and becomes all good lookin and handsome, he's a real "lady killer" and is bad to the bone. It's an entertaining and fantastically weird take on a classic tale that I think it worth taking a peak at.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dollar Bin Film - "Troll 3"

People from a small town are attacked by evil radioactive tree roots growing in the forest.

This film should the award for "Most Names" (and thats probably the ONLY award it should get). It was originally known as Troll 3, but it may also be called Creepers, Contamination .7, or The Crawlers. Ok, what movie needs 4 names? I mean if the movie was good, I wouldn't care if it Puff-Diddy-ed it's name a bit....but it's not. Troll 2 was at least funny and made me laugh at it's ridiculousness, this movie did absolutely nothing for me. There was nothing campy, nothing memorable, nothing funny, and most importantly, nothing scary about this film. Everything about it, the acting, the effects, the story, was boring, dull, and it all seemed a bit lazy to me. I will say there were a couple of cool 80's style gore scenes, but not enough to carry the movie on. Put it this way, If Troll 3 were a drink, it would be water. It's not sweet, not sour, just...water. And in the world of horror films, water ain't gonna cut it.

P.S. There are NO Trolls in this film.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dollar Bin Film - "Troll 2"

Joshua's family takes a trip to NILBOG, which, unbeknownst to them, is the kingdom of the goblins, as told to young Joshua by his grandfather Seth, who just happens to be dead. Now it's up to Josh, magical time stopping Grandpa Seth, and a bologna sandwich to save the family from the evil Goblin Queen, who uses everything from magical rocks to an ear of corn, to destroy Josh's family.

The tag line for this film is "One Was Not Enough"...oh how wrong you are! Please tell me this was supposed to be a comedy, cause all I did was laugh. Now I loves me some cheese, but seriously, this movie was growing mold. The acting was just pitiful and the costumes were...I can't even begin to describe them. I could have found a scarier Goblin outfit at Walmart! And then, theres the ridiculous fact the the name of the town is Goblin we all couldn't see this shit coming! And how can you forget that this film has absolutely NO trolls in it! It's like I've been tricked into watching this god awful film! Although I must say, it made me laugh for about an hour straight, so it wasn't a total waste of time. If you feel like converting your brain into a pile of sticky, globbing goo, then take a stab at watching Troll 2! (Hey, that rhymed!)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Splurge Of The Week : Seed of Chucky (Unrated Edition)

Chucky and Tiffany return, resurrected by their sexually confused son, Glen (or Glenda), and hit Hollywood in the fifth film of the Child's Play series.

I'm sure you've all seen this film already, but if you don't have the dvd yet, I highly recommend you get it. Not only is the movie funny as hell, but the unrated edition has some deleted moments that will make you laugh so hard, you may just cry (most notably, Chucky's masturbation scene is extended in the most hilarious way...). Aside from that, the bonus features on this disk are to die for. You get behind the scene interviews with Chucky and the family, great commentaries from director Don Mancini, the head of animatronics and FX Tony Garnder, and the voice of "Tiffany" Jennifer Tilly, plus a special "Hell-iday slide show" of the family on vacation! Plus theres a ton more special features that are almost as fun as the film itself. In the words of John Waters, "God Bless the Little People!"

Monday, March 22, 2010

And the Winner is....

The entries have been looked at and the winner of the first DBH contest is.....Michael N.! Congrats! An email has been sent to you for your mailing address. Congrats and enjoy your Pot of Gore boxset! Look for more contests soon!

Dollar Bin Horror and Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing Present: Favorite Actors who've Delved into Horror

Hey there Little Reaplings. And welcome to the second of hopefully many tandem posts by me and my brother blog Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing (the other post can be viewed HERE). This time around, we each picked out top 5 favorite actors who, while doing all genres of film, have taken the plunge and delved into our hearts with their foray into the Horror genre. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our list of Favorite Actors who've Delved into Horror!

Patrick's Picks:

5.) Emilo Estevez starred in the underrated Maximum Overdrive went to being in the Mighty Ducks films. Rock on dude.

4.) James Marsden appeared in the late 90's horror film Disturbing Behavior.
He went on to being Cyclops in the X-Men trilogy. You may have heard of them.

3.) Bill Nunn is an amazing actor who appeared in the horror film Def by Temptation. Since then he has been in tons of movies including Spiderman 1-3.

2.) George Clooney who did Return to Horror High and From Dusk Till Dawn went on to Batman and Robin. Come back to horror George!

1.) Jason Alexander, who can be seen in The Burning, also did, of course, Dunston Checks In.

My Picks:

5.) Lou Diamond Phillips found mainstream success early with La Bomba, and while his main delve into horror, Bats, was a bomb, I will always remember him for his killer episode of Tales From the Crypt called Oils Well That Ends Well.

4.) Skeet Ulrich is most famous in the mainstream light for his staring role in the hit TV series Jericho, but horror fans will always remember him as Billy in the 90's hit Scream

3.) Billy Boyd is most recognizable as the Hobbit Pippin in Lord of the Rings, and although you may not have seen his face in horror (he did play a small roles as the Loan Shark in Urban Ghost Story), you sure as hell have heard his the Seed of Chucky in the flesh!!!

2.) Elijah Wood, another actor who found mainstream fame as a Hobbit, delved into both the horror and thriller genres early in his career. First as a very young kid, he stared along side Macaulay Culkin in the thriller The Good Son (one of my favs). Then went on to play the geeky hero in the horror flick The Faculty.

1.) Brad Dourif has been in a fuck-ton of films in all genres (Above he is pictured as Grima Wormtounge in The Lord of the Rings...yeah I like LOTR, so sue me!) . In the horror community, he is most widely known as the voice and human face of Chucky, but this man really could pull any role he wanted to off!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Stiff Jobs and Cockhammer (Double Screener Review)

These two films are being reviewed together for 2 reasons, 1. I feel the same way about both and 2. the stories are intertwined and they should be watched one after another to complete the story.

Stiff Jobs is the story of two of the most ruthless hitmen in all of Strangeville, Wolfram and Windgate. What was to be a routine hit on a well to do gay pedophile with inclinations toward fat cuban boys, turns into murder, mayhem and all the perverted sexual nonsense Hack Movies is known for when our heroes get themselves cunt deep in supernatural jizm, and come face to face with the forces of darkness!

This movies stars off with a kick ass opening scene, the two main characters in the middle of a hit. It's the kind of scene that grabs you and keeps you wanting to watch more. My main issue was in the middle. Now we all know Hack films have a shit ton of sex in them, but here I thought it took away from the great plot and buildup in the film. Think of it as a mix between Pulp Fiction and Two Girls One Cup. There were great scenes between Wolfram and Windgate that reminded me of the two in Pulp fiction....but then there were scenes of sex with the girl shitting on the dude....a little too much for me. But then the film takes a complete turn for the awesome when we are introduced to the true villain, Cockhammer. The end of this film is just damn good! It definitely made me ready for the next film....

CockHammer is the story of Terrence and Perander, two pill popping swinger losers who's girlfriends are mysteriously kidnapped by CockHammer, a snuff porn kingpin and occult sorcerer bent on unlocking the secrets of the dreaded black mage diary! Will Terrence and Perander figure out his heinous intentions and rescue their bitches in time to get their assholes fucked, or will the girls become the latest victims in CockHammer's elaborate plot to become a demigod?!

Again, a strong opening scene. Cockhammer has a victim and is trying to ascend to a higher level by offering her as a sacrifice...with a bit of cool gore. And again it's the middle that takes away from the great plot, but not as much as Stiff Jobs. This time, for me, there was just too much talking. I wanted more action after that strong scene, but was left with more talk about drugs and strange sex with things being stuck up the wrong hole. I would have loved to see the film go straight into some great action, like Dead Shit did, and have less filler talk. But again this film overcomes all these problems with the coolest ending of all the Hack Films. Cockhammer is interrupted in his ascension and is turned into an awesomely hideous beast, which is probably the best FX of all the Hack films as well, and just have to see it to understand how cool it is.

Even with the not-so-grand middles of these films, they are still entertaining and I would definitely recommend you watch them. So go support some underground flick makers and order these films HERE.