Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dollar Bin Film - "Gothic"

The story of the night Mary Shelley conceived the story of Frankenstein.

This has got to be the most confusing film that I have ever seen. Sure, the film has stunning visuals and two great actors in the leading roles, but if you don't understand what the hell is going on, who cares? The whole story is a very fictitious account of the night Mary Shelley thought up her classic tale Frankenstein. Now I'm all for imaginative story telling, but the whole drug induced visions and the over the top story telling is just way to much. I would have liked it a lot more if they would have just stuck to what actually happened that night. In reality, everyone told scary stories and Mary Shelley dreamed the story which the film makers could have easily turned into stunningly visual mini stories throughout the film, instead they twisted it into drug induced hallucinations that were on the borderline of stupid. The closest thing I can compare the film to is a hot bimbo, sure it's pretty to look at, but there ain't much else to it.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

i love film, so odd... with a bunch of soon to be stars...

ahhh the memories...

Rhonny Reaper said...

yeah I loved the actors in it, but idk i just didn't get it at all! lol

Franco Macabro said...

I enjoyed this movie, the director is Ken Russell, he is known for making movies with trippy surreal visuals, have you seen Lair of the White Worm or Altered States? Both where directed by Russell as well, and both have strange hallucinogenic nightmare sequences.

I loved it for how crazy it gets.

Jack Veasey said...

I usually love Ken Russell, and I watched this film with high expectations -- and just didn't get it. It was pretty, but it didn't pass the "so what?" test for me.

Rhonny Reaper said...

I haven't seen those films but I'll check em out! The visuals were great but the story was so confusing that it didn't matter how cool it looked...i just didn't get it lol. Im so happy we can all have our own opinions and not want to kill each other :)

Halloweenman666 said...

All I remember about this movie was that the cover scared the hell out of me when I was a child. That creepy little imp like person on the cover (pc?) or whatever it is just gave me nightmares.

Jose Cruz said...

I can see an English teacher showing this to her classroom and proudly exclaiming at the end "And THAT'S the story behind Frankenstein!"

Franco Macabro said...

"The visuals were great but the story was so confusing that it didn't matter how cool it looked...i just didn't get it lol."

Thats just what sets Ken Russells films apart, the visuals take center stage and leave any sign of coherence in second place.

Ive been dying to see a film he made that has been banned for the longest time called "The Devils" but apparently, its so shocking and repulsive that it hasnt been released on dvd yet. Sadly!