Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dollar Bin Film - "Swamp Women"

An undercover policewoman helps three female convicts escape from prison so that they can lead her to a stash of stolen diamonds hidden in a swamp. This movie has everything a bad B-movie asks for baby! Bad acting? Check. Hot girls in shorts? Check. Totally fake looking alligator? Check. Looks like it was made for no more than $50? Check that one too! If you like bad movies and hot girls fighting in a swamp, what more could you ask?!?
P.S. if you REALLY broke, This film has fallen into the public domain and can be freely downloaded from
Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper

Friday, November 27, 2009

Dollar Bin Film - "The Screaming Skull"

A newlywed couple arrives at the home of the husband's late wife, where the gardens have been maintained by a gardener faithful to the dead woman's memory. Soon eerie events lead the new wife to think she is going out of her mind. It's horribly acted and badly it's the perfect bad B-movie experience! Even for it's time this movie was over the top in bad shit...but if a B-horror movie isn't over the top, what is?
P.S. if you REALLY broke, This film has fallen into the public domain and can be freely downloaded from
Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Thanksgiving time! Now let's face it, there ain't much horror movie hype going on this time of year, but I found 2 films, one old, one new, that every horror fan should take a peak at to celebrate turkey day the way it should be, with blood, gore, and killer turkeys!

New Film - Thankskilling
A homicidal, foul mouthed turkey axes off college kids during Thanksgiving break. I wanna see this one so bad but im broke as hell :( Its on dvd now, so go rent it (then email me and tell me about it lol).

Old Film - Blood Freak
An anti-drug Gore film with a pro-Christian message, featuring a homicidal monster with the body of a man and the head of a turkey and, well, Gore. All I can say about this one is...Holy Shit on Mother Mary...

So try and check out these two killer films for the holiday season ad have a Happy Turkey Day!
Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Voting Begins Today for the 2009 Ms. Horror Blogothon competion...VOTE FOR ME!

Click the pic above to head over to the Vault of Horror then vote for "Rhonny Reaper - Dollar Bin Horror" on the sites poll!!!! PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!
Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper

Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight - Davide Melini

I love short horror films. The rush of a full length feature in a five minute window is one of the most difficult talents there is in my book. Italian short film director Davide Melini is brilliant at this craft; the proof is in the short film "The Puzzle". I got to chat with him in this edition of the Dollar Bin Horror Spotlight.

Q: How did you get into filmmaking?

A: My uncle worked in the cinema for 25 years and sometimes I’ve been to meet him, while he was working. So I began to attend the cinema world since I was a kid and I can say that I loved it from the beginning. For me it was incredible to see the entire job there “behind” a movie. I was like a kid in a funfair! Step by step (and very slowly), I started to study it and around 10 years ago, I wrote my first screenplay. I’ve continued to write, until I directed my first short, in 2006.

Q: I don't want to give anything away before people watch the film, but the ending as amazing. How did you come up with the concept for "The Puzzle"?

A: “The Puzzle”, for me, means “the fate”. Every one of us makes some puzzles in our life. We can try to make them fit the way we want, but there will be always a piece that doesn’t fit.

Q: I really love the way you can give the viewer the feeling of dread in such a short time, but I loved it so much I wanted it to be longer! Any full length features in your future?

A: I really hope soon as possible. Making a feature will be the dream of my life. I think the only way I have for working in them is making short films: they are my business cards!

Q: The camera movements and editing reminded me a little of the original SAW movie, but with a completely unique story line. Could you tell us a little about the production?

A: Yeah, of course. Two years ago, an Italian house production called me for giving me the direction of a film project. We had to present it to Italian Department (sited in Rome). But, in that time, I didn’t have anything to present them, because my last short was two years old. So, I spoke to some producers and one of them gave me the opportunity to shoot something in one day. What should I do with only one day? I wrote a lot of treatments, but in the end I wasn’t happy of any of them. So I’ve thought about a puzzle and I wrote the screenplay in a few days. We spent three months on pre-production, we shot it in one night and we edit it in three days. When I work on a movie, I’m a maniac. I really don’t like improvising I study every single shot, every light, the acting of the actress, etc. I had, in the end, something to present to Italian Department.

Q: What other projects are you working on now?

A: I’m actually in post-production of my new short film, called ‘The sweet hand of the White Rose’. I wrote this story on 2007 and the idea was talking about street accidents and trying to analyze the driver’s behavior. It’s a drama movie, that also teaches the fantasy and the terror. We spent four months for the pre-production and we shot it in five days in eight locations. Now we’ve completely finished the video and we are working on the audio. Everything will be ready for the beginning of 2010.

Q: Is there anything else you want the readers of this blog to check out? Any self promotion lol?

A: I want to say you thanks, Rhonny, to permit me to be interviewed. All the people that love the cinema like me can contact me: all are welcome. The way is very long, difficult and full of hurdles, but I’ll try the best I can to work in the cinema. This is my world!

And now for your viewing pleasure, I present "The Puzzle"

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Top 5 Karloff Films For The Boris Karloff Blogothon!

Well if you haven't heard by now, Dollar Bin Horror is participating in the 2009 Boris Karloff Blogothon run by the amazing blog, Frankensteinia, in celebration of his birthday. I thought I would post my top 5 favorite Karloff films in his honor. Enjoy! You can check out other Blogothon posts by clicking the picture to your left.

#5 The Comedy of Terrors
An undertaker who hasn't had any 'customers' in a long time is forced the pay one year's back-rent. To get money he starts to kill people in order to get new clients. Ok so Karloff had a supporting role in this film,l but he was just so damn great at it! He played the ill, senile father-in-law to Vincent Price and was so damn funny! And this movie is PACKED with classic horror legends! Karloff, Price, Lorre, Rathbone...i mean what more could you ask for!

#4 Black Sabbath
A trilogy of three horror stories. "The Drop of Water" concerns a nurse who steals a ring off a dead spiritualist, only to have the corpse seek revenge. "The Telephone" features a prostitute who is terrorized by phone calls from a dead client. "The Wurdalak" stars Boris Karloff as a vampire who feeds on the blood of his loved ones. Now I'm a big fan of movies with multiple stories in them, makes me feel like I'm watching three films in one. This is definitely on of the best. Narrated by and staring Karloff, this is a must have for any horror fan's collection of classic films.

#3 The Mummy
During an archaeological expedition to Egypt the recently discovered mummy of a high priest, Im-ho-tep, comes to life and walks away into the desert night. Ten years later a new expedition find the tomb of Princess Anck-es-en-Amon, Im-ho-tep's long lost love. In order to revive her completely, Im-ho-tep requires a sacrifice to die so he can revive her and make her a living mummy like himself. One of his most famous performances, this Karloff treasure is simply amazing. His acting is superb and the overall feel of this film is pure awesomeness. What else is there to say?

#2 Frankenstein
Horror classic in which an obsessed scientist assembles a living being from parts of exhumed corpses. The original, the classic, the everlasting film. This is the film that Karloff is best known for and one of his best performances ever. He barely even had to speak in this movie, but the motions he showed shone through like a crystal clear diamond. The loneliness and sorrow he felt made you feel for the monster. This film is the closest thing to perfection there is in my book.

#1 Bride of Frankenstein
Mary Shelley reveals the main characters of her novel survived and that Dr. Frankenstein, goaded by an even madder scientist, builds his monster a mate. Now I'm not sure how many people will agree with me on this, but to me, this is the greatest Karloff film ever. Period. The ending is so moving. When the Bride is revealed, she doesn't even need to speak to put o a perfect performance (I love Elsa Lanchester) and when she is introduced to Frankenstein and rejects him, I almost cry every time. My favorite line is the famous "We Belong Dead". The emotion in this film puts it at the top of my list.

And we have an Honorable Mention people!...How the Grinch Stole Christmas
A cold hearted cave dweller takes matters into his own hands to try and put an end to the noisy celebration of Christmas, only to learn it's true meaning. Ok so it's not a horror movie...but it makes Christmas awesome people! And Karloff was the perfect voice for the green Grinch!

Well there is is. The list of my favorite films from the legendary Master of Terror, Boris Karloff. Happy Birthday, We all love you!
Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dollar Bin Film - "The Amazing Mr X"

Two years after her husband's death, Christine Faber thinks she hears her late husband calling out of the surf on the beach one night. She meets a tall dark man who seems to know all about her. After more ghostly manifestations, Christine and her younger sister become enmeshed in the strange life of Alexis; but he in turn finds himself manipulated into deeper cruelness than he had in mind. Its a really good thriller with supernatural overtones and for a movie of it's time, one of the best shot. It's a low budget B-movie that didn't look that interesting at first, but sure delivered the goods!
P.S. if you REALLY broke, This film has fallen into the public domain and can be freely downloaded from
Sending Deadly Kisses,
Rhonny Reaper